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Plan for a sustainable future with SLS Enterprises Inc

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Conservation Management Plan (CMP)

Charting success by reducing Consumption and Cost with a CMPCMP is the practice of reducing the consumption and cost of utility and energy related resources through no-cost and low-cost means. It involves thorough tracking of resources and attention to operational efficiency. Adopting policies, creating an advisory committee and enrolling all occupants into the plan are key elements of the process.

With a comprehensive CMP plan in place, Our clients typically see quantifiable results in the first one to six months. Most CMP programs achieve 10 to 15 percent savings on utility bills after the first year, depending on the number of facilities involved and the level of commitment to the program.

Sustainable Education

Educating for the futureA strategy developed from the organization's vision with the following steps:

The strategic actions will in turn be related to a two axis model. One axis is temporal --- what do we do today and what do we do in the future. The other axis can best be described as the local/global axis. This axis starts with the actions related to students proceeds with actions related to buildings, then campus, then community, then state and then Global.



For building owners, a lack of return on investment has always been the most significant barrier to undertaking environmental measures.

Environmental PlanRecycling and using green energy for a sustainable environment

The object of the environmental plan is to define strategies for client facilities that are environmentally and economically sustainable.

This plan reviews and develops policies for procurement and for waste disposal, and
addresses roles and responsibilities for environmental actions detailed in the plan.

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Convert existing lighting to high efficiency LED's and reduce operating costs as much as 85% and virtually eliminate maintenance.

SLS Enterprises Inc. helps companies identify and implement solutions that save money and increase productivity. From innovative LED lighting to outsourced personnel.

SLS Enterprises Inc. is a distributor of LED Technology. Our decade long relationship combined with our experience in product marketing and channel expansion led to the marketing and sales of LED lights.

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Consulting Services

We tap into our decades of hands-on experience to provide our clients with the needed engineering and technology support to bring products or processes to commercial release with cost and energy efficiency.

Optics is the science of light, a branch of physics concerned with all aspects of the behavior of light.
With lasers and detectors, quantum effects are important, but wave or “physical” optics tend to dominate optical design.

We can model the behavior of light rays in geometrical optics which is the basis of much of optical design, which also involves quantum and physical optics.

Electrical Engineering is a field that focuses on electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. Electrical engineers design a wide variety of components, devices, and systems, ranging from tiny microchips and circuit boards to power transformers to massive power station generators.

From its early days of the commercialized electric power distribution and electric telegraph and telephone communication, electrical engineering has been at the forefront of emerging technologies.

Mechanical Engineering is the broadest engineering discipline, combining principles of engineering, physics, and materials science to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems.

Whether developing a massive pumping station or tiny biosensors for the medical industry, mechanical engineers combine the same core principles of mechanics, dynamics, kinematics, thermodynamics, material science,structural analysis.and electricity.

Design Engineering combines the skills and ingenuity of each engineering discipline using advanced tools like computer aided design and 3D simulation applications to develop new processes or products or improve on existing designs.

Engineering new concepts brings with it advancements in technology for many industries like aircraft and watercraft, robotics and medical devices, heating and cooling, manufacturing plants, biomedical and biomechanics, and countless other emerging technologies.

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